turn back - meaning and definition. What is turn back
Online Dictionary

What (who) is turn back - definition

TURN BACK; Turn Back (song); Turn Back (Song)

turn back         
If you turn back or if someone turns you back when you are going somewhere, you change direction and go towards where you started from.
She turned back towards the crossroads...
They were very nearly forced to turn back...
Police attempted to turn back protesters marching towards the offices of President Ershad.
PHRASAL VERB: V P prep/adv, V P, V P n (not pron), also V n P
If you cannot turn back, you cannot change your plans and decide not to do something, because the action you have already taken makes it impossible.
The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.
PHRASAL VERB: with brd-neg, V P
turn back         
v. (D; intr.) to turn back from; to
turn back         
Turn round, go back, return.


Turn Back

Turn Back may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for turn back
1. to turn back.
The Summit _ Eric Alexander _ Talks at Google
2. going to turn back.
Housing Works _ Matthew Bernardo _ Talks At Google
3. And I may turn back.
On the Edge - Leadership Lessons from Mount Everest _ Alison Levine _ Talks at Google
4. So I wouldn't turn back.
Recipes for Success _ Traci Des Jardins + More _ Talks at Google
5. then I turn back instantaneously.
Gubser & Frans Pretorius _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of turn back
1. The United States had threatened to turn back flights otherwise.
2. But there remain those determined to turn back the clock.
3. Villagers were successful to turn back the militia.
4. "It will turn back to rain over the next few hours." Scroll down for more...
5. It wasn‘t a good idea." Wooten said he wishes he could turn back the clock.